A former producer for “Tucker Carlson Tonight” recently went undercover to expose the easy availability of sex change drugs and procedures that cause irreversible harm.

What you probably don’t know is that his exposé implicates Plume, a telehealth sex change provider that offers the same services here in Idaho.

Gregg Re, who now works for “The Matt Walsh Show” on the Daily Wire, received a referral for the surgical removal of his testicles, called an orchiectomy, after a short 22-minute telehealth visit over Zoom.

Identifying as “Chelsea,” Gregg received no mental health examination and no clinical diagnosis of gender dysphoria, but that didn’t stop the physician from writing in the referral documents that:

[Chelsea] reports significant, ongoing gender dysphoria. [I]t is my professional opinion that she would benefit greatly both medically and psychologically from Orchiectomy… I therefore recommend and refer Chelsea Bussey to have this surgery.

The physician who wrote the referral works for Plume, a so-called gender-affirming care provider.

Troublingly, Plume also provides telehealth sex change services in Idaho. Their presence in our state blows yet another hole in the false narrative that patients begin medical transitioning only after receiving comprehensive mental health examinations.

But Plume isn’t the only Idaho provider that is willing to sacrifice gender-confused patients on the altar of woke ideology.

St. Luke’s still advertises on its website that it offers “surgical consultations and referrals” for children pursuing sex reassignment surgery.

For years now, St. Luke’s and the Idaho Medical Association have been talking out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, they claim that sex reassignment surgeries are not being performed on children in Idaho, and therefore a ban on such surgeries is unnecessary. On the other hand, St. Luke’s has neglected to publicly disclose that it is providing surgical consultations to gender dysphoric children and referring them to out-of-state surgeons for these very same procedures.

Why are health providers like St. Luke’s and Plume so willing to abandon medical norms and violate the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? We can’t say for sure. But we will keep ringing the alarm until they stop.

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