As a new member of the Commenting Community, I may be contradicting myself in being so critical.

However, someone has to say: Enough is enough!

Really, who cares about the invidious rants of a producer-director-actor who has not produced any significant work in the last five years?

Or the maudlin self-pity of a child-actor now facing a ninety-day jail sentence for breaking the law?

Or even the chronic cyber-stalking of fashions, fads, and frenzies these days? Are the personal tastes and prejudices of these Hollywood types really that important? Who really makes these decisions, or rather, dictates that a viewing public should care?

Turn off the television if you must, but could we spend at least five minutes of our lives pondering more important issues, concerns with global reach and eternal value?:

1. The fate of our soldiers and our nation's ideals as they fight in the fields and mountains of Afghanistan.

2. The growing encroachment of the State into our medical care, our purchases, our financial firms, and even our publishing institutions.

3. The decline–but also possible resurgence– of quality public education in this country. Despite the overwhelming amount of information burgeoning forth daily, have students learned how to evaluate the quality of all this information?

4. The diminution of our purchasing power in the face of inflation, taxation, and excessive indebtedness which will inflict great harm on future generations in this country.

5. The cannibalization of our children by senior citizens' siphoning away our future from our children and their children through the Welfare State, i. e. Social Security and Medicare.

5. The growing threat of Islamo-fascism, both in the United States, against Israel, and around the world.

These are the issues which viewers, which active citizens, should be caring about, thinking about, discussing, and acting upon.

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