President Obama has recently directed his attorney general and adjoining legal communities to forgo defending he Defense of Marriage Act of 1996, passed by a Republican Congress and signed into law by a popular Democratic President. A sop to his frazzled and frustrated progressive base, Obama's frivolous decision could not come at a worse time.

Against the nation's uprising (including the TEA party) to tackle the fiscal woes troubling this country, House Speaker John Boehner is diverting political capital to take on this distracting challenge to sensitive social issue, which is more than anything else a sop to his social conservative base .

This tension between fiscal and social conservatives must not short-circuits the Republican Party's agenda for long-term fiscal responsibility in this country. Beyond the grave importance of stable families reared in functional homes, the economic meltdown we are facing in the United States poses the greater threat to our freedom, our moral values, and our national security.

More importantly, the American electorate must not permit President Obama to use wedge issues like gay marriage or abortion to eclipse the critical issue of nation solvency, a problem which has grown more acute because of his executive incompetence. The Democratic Party's only hope in November 2012 is to cover up their financial bunglings by plugging away at social issues. This political expedient will ruin this nation. Hopefully, following this short-lived investment into the gay marriage issue, John Boehner will force drastic cuts to the Federal budget and decentralize power to the states and local communities in the country. Only then will Boehner and his party be taking on a meaningful moral agenda for the financial well-being of this country and future generations.

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