Libyan forces are retreating at the onslaught of the allied no-fly zone. Yemen is on the brink of collapse. Egypt is holding elections to replace the Mubarak regime which fled amidst of a well-spring of protest.

In Yemen, one of the 18 military commanders who defected from President Saleh may be the next head of state. Despite the fact that Yemen has been the stage for Al-Qaeda strikes against the United States, I doubt the current yield the power vacuum needed for terrorists to thrive openly.

Reports indicate that the Syrian government has fired on protesters, as well. The world has already observed that fire-power cannot quell people-power. Dictator-"presidents" throughout the Middle East are growing uneasy, realizing that citizen-insurgents, having swayed the sympathy of Western observers, are galvanizing long-oppressed minorities and engaging the armed forces and other stable institutions to join the rank-and-file assault on the dessicated, sclerotic tyrants too long in power.

To see Syria tremble is good. To see Iran shake at the thought of another massive student uprising would be better. Yet the greater prize for freedom is yet to come. To witness China, the Middle Kingdom held hostage to hellish Communist ideology for the past sixty years, battered to its core by civil disobedience, internal Internet piracy, and massive uprisings: that would be the realization of the dream that shined briefly in 1989!

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