Not only does the little Congressman from Ohio want to defund extended military excursions in the Middle East, he has repeatedly called for an end to the failed War on Drugs.

Republican President Richard Nixon declared War in 1973, only to instigated the longest, the most deleterious, and the most egregious war that the United States has ever waged.

Drug use, abuse, and sale is as rampant as ever. Students from elementary school to high school and beyond abuse drugs, both legal and illegal.

Two elite campuses in the South Bay have instituted drug searched with dogs: Mira Costa and Peninsula High School. No matter how deprecating one may describe the poorer schools in more troubled communities, the wealthier students are fueling the drug trade at a far more alarming rate.

From local school grounds to national borders, the Drug War has escalated to the breaking point in struggling nations like Mexico, where drug cartels dictate domestic policy and intimidate law enforcement.

All the funding North-South to slow the spread of narcotics has only fed the price and profit of the business.

Decriminalization alone will put an end to the rapid fighting, mass murders, plundering of coast lines, ghettoization of poor neighborhoods, destruction of future opportunities for youth, and starve the bloated military-industrial complex which has for too long impoverished this country and distracted law enforcement from preventing real crime.

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