Craig Huey has worked in the private sector. He knows what voters in this district are going through because has had to balance a budget, make payroll, and settle debt in order to stay in business. He knows that wasteful spending from Washington hinders economic recovery, the one issue on everyone's mind.

Janice Hahn is a career politician who only rose to power on a famous name. Working with a cadre of politicians in Los Angeles, she failed to balance the city budget, settle the enormous debt which menaces the municipality into bankruptcy, nor has she managed to prevent massive furloughs and layoffs of hard-working taxpayers.

Craig Huey is reaching out to voters with a clear message: Cut taxes, cut spending, get people working again. Reduce the national debt, curb inflation, spur economic growth: this is what people in the CA-36th want from their next Congressman.

Janice Hahn has thrown up pseudo-issues like abortion and empty shrieks of "Tea Party Extremism" to distract the voters from the fact that she and her party do not have the policies nor the potential to advocate for more political and economic freedom in this country, both of which are desperately needed to transform the current anemic recovery into an economic boom.

The choice is clear for the CA-36th. On July 12th, vote for Craig Huey!

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