God who became man, Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Holy Trinity, put aside his glory to suffer the pain and temptation that travails human kind–God not only became like one of us, he knows first hand the shock, disorder, and suffering that we face every day.

For the sin of the race, for abuser abused, and those who ignored it entirely, He endured the greatest abuse in recorded history: dying on the Cross, the crudest and cruelest form of torture known to man. While hanging pitifully between heaven and earth, he endured the taunts and jeers of the crowds, despised by religious authorities and abandoned by his followers. Even God the Father turned his back on his own Son, which led Jesus to cry out "My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?"

God himself knows the pain and torture which has wracked victims of abuse. He died on the Cross for every hurt, for every betrayal, for every shame which they have suffered, needlessly and unjustly. The Just for the Unjust, Jesus Christ is the Propitiation for our sins. He more than covers any loss, any sorrow, any wrongdoing done to us.

Because we have been forgiven so much, he grants us the power to forgive others, even those who have violated the most cherished of confidences. Even Jesus endured the greatest betrayal, His own Father rejecting Him, the we may be reconciled to Him here and now and for eternity.

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