Janice Hahn won 55% of the vote in the CA-36th, yet she did not harvest a majority vote from many of the municipalities in the South Bay. Will she indeed represent the needs of the entire District, or just butter up the same state-dependent sycophants whom she played to as Councilwoman?

Let's consider her "record" as LA City Councilwoman:

She sat by while the city of Los Angeles jacked up parking rates 400% in San Pedro, then tried to reverse the fee raise in the heat of her (second) campaign for Congress. San Pedro, a core element of her constituency, is still struggling through the current anemic economic recovery.

Los Angeles is hemorrhaging millions in pension obligations and generous health care benefits to city workers, many of whom have been laid off in the midst of the economic downturn which has hit this country. There is little record that she actually did anything about it. Multiply by thousands the fallout of public handouts, and you have a pretty ugly picture of what the entire nation is dealing with.

"Local government teaches you about solving people's problems," Hahn crowed while presenting her plans for her brief tenure as Congressional representative. Sadly, the Congresswoman-elect has not offered any specifics on how to resolve these problems in the long-term. There is scant evidence that throughout her lackluster political career she has done anything to assist any constituent except one: herself.

Hopefully, the voters next March will take reconsider the damage this interim Congresswoman will inflict on this nation and elect a fiscal conservative who will challenge the economic calamities which the Obama Presidential administration is forcing upon us. We need a representative who will command the respect of the entire CA-36th, not just the far-gone liberals in the margins of Los Angeles obsessed with social non-issues while ignoring the fiscal problems of this district and the entire country.

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