We know that President Reagan pushed a 10% tax cut across the board.

We know that President Reagan wanted to stop inflation.

We also know that he increased military spending considerably in his ongoing fight to bring down the Soviet.

We also know that entitlement reform as we know it is nothing like entitlement reform as we need it, and Ronald Reagan failed to deliver in either respect.

It is a crime, certainly, for one segment of the population to their own detriment to support the wealthier denizens of the state for their own benefit. It's about time that we went beyond cutting taxes. We must make sure that every company, every corporation, every welfare recipient begins earning and paying in their fair share.

We the people must stop the spending on all levels. We must stop sending out troops and our treasure to foreign lands where the indigenous populations refuse to be ruled, let alone rule themselves. We cannot be the never-ending hand-out to the outlandish here and abroad who refuse to take care of themselves.

Reagan was right to cut taxe rates across the board. He was wrong, however, to spend money that this country did not have. He could have tackled entitlement encroachment early in his administration, yet he let it go to deal with the equally pressing problem of the Soviet menace, still collapsing in its final death throes.

Today, let's stop asking "What would Reagan do?" because what he did then is not enough for us now. We need to cut, cap, and balance for the long haul. We need to stop talking about slowing the growth of government. We need to stop growing government in the first place.

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