Jesus Christ: the name inspires.

So much to say, so much to wonder about, so much to consider.

Who is this guy? What does he mean to me? Why should I care?

Someone you call on when you accidentally stub your toe or hit your finger?

Someone whose name you whisper when things are going well?

Someone whose name you cry out when things go from bad to worse.

Some name you sing out in church once a while, then forget about when you go back to struggling through your six-days-a-week shuffle?

Or is He the name above all names? The one and the only, the Alpha and Omega?

Do you follow him from a distance, or do you strive to walk with him?

Do you care what he thinks, or have you given up caring what he thinks, no matter what happens?

The fans, close or far away, like the guy. They even get along with the whole "God-became-a-man" routine. Yet they are not committed to him when the going gets tough.

The followers, they stick it through. They also follow him, some from a distance at the outset, so unworthy to even be near him. Others follow close by, but then just when they think that they are able to catch up with Him, Jesus seems to have outstripped them once again.

The fans are content to sit by and watch, even to cheer once and a while.

The followers, they go to every game, they watch, they help out, they cheer him on, they even practice the moves. When they fail to measure up to the Master, they get discouraged and fall back. Some followers, so moved by his power and game, don't even try. So disgusted with their inability, they just give up altogether, resigning themselves to being feckless fans or faithless opponents.

Fans never try. Followers try and fail. No matter what, it seems, Jesus Christ, the Carpenter of Nazareth, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, is just out of everyone's league. A great leader, a great speaker, a great teacher, too great to be around.

At least, so it seems.

Besides fans and followers, is there some other way to the Way? Can His name indicated more than nice guy, glowing example, stern pattern, and impossible standard to meet?

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