President Ronald Reagan helped set the debate for limited government.

He ushered in sweeping tax cuts.

But what did he do about entitlement reform and federal spending? Not much.

We are glad for his efforts to force the American people to rethink the role of government. However, the growth of government slowed during his administration, but it did not stop.

Let us not forget, however, that it was an Arkansas Governor of questionable integrity (prodded by a galvanized Congressional opposition) who signed welfare reform into law, helped balance the federal budget, and instituted a much-needed (yet short-lived) line-time veto.

We need a chief executive who will actually gut entitlements and cut spending, not just talk about it. It is not enough to hate the machinery of government while allowing it to keep clunking along at full blast. We need to use the proper systems of government to fulfill its proper role: protect our rights, secure our borders, and give everything else back to the states and the people.

Whether Democrat or Republican, a chief executive who will do what is in the best interests of the United States–that is what the American People need. Mr. President, cut the spending, decentralize power, and limit the encroachment of the State into our daily lives.

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