On the last segment of Channel 4's News Conference with Conan Nolan, Newly elected Congresswoman Karen Bass sounded off on the partisan gridlock stifling legislation in Washington D.C., which she condescendingly remarked reminded her of the gridlock which prevented her liberal coven of statists from raising taxes on the people of the state of California time and again.

At the outset of the interview, Congresswoman Bass boasted that she was ready for this kind of political contact sportsmanship, having struggled with Republican dissidents who just like their California counterparts, refused to budge on tax increases.

What she still refuses to realize–like all left-leaning politicians–is that tax increases, whether at the state or federal level, do nothing to improve the economy, nor may anyone readily assume that a raise in tax rates will ensure an increase in revenue.

For the questionable efficacy of such a fiscal policy, consider the fallout of New Jersey, where the hostile, anti-business tax and spend climate contributed to more jobs, commerce, and revenue leaving the state rather than coming in. The same unhappy trend is repeating itself throughout the tarnishing Golden State.

Over and over again, we must stress to our Congressional leaders that the governments across the United States do not have a revenue problem, but a spending problem, made worse by the chronic harping on making everyone pay their fair share. Despite the welcome debate on loopholes and credits that riddle the already prolix tax-code for the marginal benefit of parochial interest groups, the American people want to keep money in their pockets, and they want those with money and initiative to invest what they have.

On another note, she argued with Conan Nolan that government does create jobs. Private vendors do business with the state and the federal government all the time, so it is in the best interests of the people to invest in government employment. The problem is that insolvent governments throughout the country, especially California, routinely fail to pay their bills on time. What good will it do for anyone to pay more to state agencies who refuse to budget money which they have earned by force not trade, in projects which benefit the few at the expense of the rest? And to top it all off, the government has no qualms about running deficits year after year, putting private firms on hold for requisite payments.

Private firms deserve to be paid, and they should be paid by individual consumers looking for a product or a service, not the government which spends without counting the cost.

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