What are educators supposed to be doing? Liberating something or someone, I believe.
Liberating people's minds, certainly. Yet the mind, the result of civilization, tradition, and acculturation, cannot free itself. Nor can the minds of men, dedicated to better designs, design a better way free from history and previous, tried and true trial and error.
The fatal conceit, that reasonable minds could turn Reason into a resource to reconstruct reality, is in no place more keenly and terribly demonstrated than in socialist and communist states. A central authority, whether one man or a polity of men, takes control of the economy and culture, attempt to change and perfect what human intuition coupled with tradition took millenia to manifest.
Yet a decent, nay passable knowledge of history will compel any observer to acquiesce to the abject failure of top-down, command-control cultures and economies. The hundreds of millions who have died of starvation, torture, mass deportation and depopulation all in the name of "to each according to his new, from each according to his ability" all refutes forever the crass, myopic utopianism of communism.
If these ideologies are so heinous, so contrary to the needs and wants of the human spirit, why do teachers celebrate the men who let loss such hellish nonsense?
Why do Spanish teachers post images of the Messianic Che Guevara? Why do students succumb to the lie that these men lived for the people?
Because the left-wing ideology that contaminates teachers into plugging away at the teaching profession has suffused their outlook with "this should work." Command economies should work, if given proper diligence. People in high places can tell me what to do with myself, as long as they are the same color as me. If we want to be treated equally, regardless of race, color, creed, etc. then we must mandate that the state mandates everyone to be treated equally, and to be afforded equal opportunities.
These inane talking points, obsessed with fairness and "social justice" at all costs",the root of wicked political visions, have infiltrated the identity-self-esteem agendas of modern-day curricula. Children of color cannot succeed unless they identify themselves as such, one part of a monolithic entity, which caudillos of the twentieth (and now twenty-first) centuries make the hollow forefront of political campaigns. In deifying the voters, Chavez becomes the people, yet in embodying "the people", he subjects them to deceptive tyranny, as did Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.
And these "heroes" color the curricula of liberal teachers, convinced that celebrating "Brown" or "Black Power" will empower individuals to be something.
The sheer folly of these trains of thought is only offset by the unremitting dysfunction of the classroom, the school site, and the district administration, all going through the motions of educating people to be compliant, not self-reliant.
"Viva La Revolucion"? Hardly!