A few years ago, a little known documentary, "Rated R", interviewed conservative media personalities who have come out to speak for their right-wing views.

Some like Drew Carey and Dennis Miller, are more accurately libertarian, having no qualms with legalizing drug use or permitting gay marriage, but they do favor limited government and low taxation, a central tenet of the Republican Party, including the surging Tea Party Movement.

Kelsey Grammer, more affectionately recognizes as "Dr. Frasier Crane" to fans, is also a limited government, moderate Conservative.

The tragedies in his life perhaps shaped his conservatism, as many current conservatives were liberals who were "mugged by reality."

Grammer suffered the loss of many people close to hi, from the dissolution of his parent's marriage at the age of two, to the death of his grandfather at 12, to the brutal kidnapping and murder of his younger sister and the death of one of his younger twin brothers, Grammer has seen the dark side of life, how it is, not how it should be if we all thought nice thoughts long enough.

Grammer has faced many of his own demons, from failed marriages to a virulent cocaine addiction, the result of success without the fortitude to receive it graciously.

Here's to Mr. Grammer's future success with his new wife and two boys. I hope that he can encourage others by his trials, failures, and examples to embrace a conservative world view, one that treasures the good with the ever present reality that this world is a broken one, prone to disappointing us.

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