"This should work," is the mantra of the Left.

"Do something!" is their exhortation, usually with bated breath or beating hearts.

When things are not going according to plan for a Progressive, which is pretty much all the time, they must do something.

Politicians get into office in order to "do something" fiduciary for their constituents so that they can get reelected.

Yet all of this "doing" is aggrandizing the state at the expense of the people and their local communities. The more the federal government "does", the less that actually gets done.

Stimulus packages do not stimulate the economy; regulations throttle industry and slow economic growth. More rules rules out any change for the better in a country where legality and liability had replaced reason and reconciliation.

From the moment that Adam and Eve took from the Forbidden tree, out of the false fearful panic that they had to remedy a non-existent loss, mankind has been doing something about perceived threats, when to do nothing and let free markets and spontaneous constructions take their course would restore everything.

Progressive mismanagement in the name of "helping people" by "doing something" has been the source of mankind's woes from the beginning.

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