As mentioned in the previous post, "cast out" is first mentioned in Genesis 21:10, in which Sarah, the mother of faith, tells her husband Abraham, the father of faith, to get rid of the reproachful boundwoman and her disrespectful son, both of which represent the bondage and persecution of the flesh (cf Galatians 4)

In the New Testament, "cast out" also appears in the following verses:

"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Here, "cast out" renders the verb "ἔκβαλε" Here, as in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is pushing on his hearers the absolute, infinite, humanly impossible standard of the law and the prophets.

Yet all the law and the prophets were fulfilled in His Finished Work on the Cross, and through the indwelling Holy Spirit who can now inhabit man made fully righteous by the Cross, we are able to fulfill the law in His strength.

Therefore, we are not called to try to take out the beam in our own eye by ourselves! Christ's Perfect Love at the Cross gives us full, clear eyes enlightened to all His glory, honor, and power! He casts out the beam! He gives us clear eyes to see, and ends the judgmental spirit that leads us to persecute others for their inability to keep the whole law!

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