Why should every industrialized nation sacrifice its economic advantage in order to make a dent in the "Global Warming" afflict planet Earth?

To force countries struggling through a dilapidated recovery is simply unconscionable.

The Third World will never join the first tier of nations as long as the First World continues to play second fiddle to disastrous — read socialist — policies which stifle growth and innovation in response to weird science which has yet to sway a large host of climate elites.

Canada has led the way before on economic reforms, cutting spending, ending blood-sucking unemployment insurance, and cutting deficits so drastically that the Great White North survived the burst housing bubble still drowning other Western nations.

Canada has thoroughly rejected the Kyoto Protocols of 1997, an international treaty which President Bust refused to endorse, in part because China, the second-largest exhibitor of green house gases, refused to sign on, either.

Canada gets scant attention in the press, especially for the fortitude of its leaders in facing economic and industrial crises which would just as well throttle the last living gasps of economic recovery for most nation states.

If we really want to protect and preserve the planet, nations could start by endorsing economic liberty, respect for the proper scope of the free market, and the power of competition in the market place. No one wants to support a polluter, even if a big business, when such a corporation does greater damage to the common good. Yet the discipline of the consumers' disdain is stronger by far the government regulations and choke-holds on industrial development.

Canada has figured this out, and has employed its power and policies accordingly. It's about time that the United States pays attention to these liberal reforms, suspending international traps on national sovereignty, and discharges the massive debt weighing on American taxpayers.

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