Arizona Senator and former rival is endorsing Massachusetts governor Mitt Romeny.

One waffling moderate has endorsed another. Could anything be more precious or petty?

It was McCain's nasty send-up of the Massachusetts Governor in the 2008 primaries that offended many party faithful. During the GOP New Hampshire debates four years ago, McCain taunted and ridiculed Romney repeatedly during the forum, even labeling him " the real candidate of 'change'" for his chronic flip-flopping from cold New England moderation to fired-cup conservatism.

The eventual presidential nominee for the GOP in 2008, John McCain was a clumsy moderate who attempted to package himself as an independent maverick. From "McCain-Lieberman" legislation to combat the trumped-up troubles of climate change, to the "McCain-Kennedy
alliance to create an amnesty program for illegal immigrants, the 2008 standard-bearer for the GOP demonstrated time and again his penchant for not only crossing the aisle, but at times acting like a Democrat in Republican garb. His signature "McCain-Feingold" legislation, another piece of liberal lunacy, curtailed free speech, and was thankfully stuck down in a land-mark decision by the right-thinking Supreme Court. Understandably, the Arizona senator faced a severe and well-deserved primary challenge in 2010, which promptly prompted him to veer right.

If nothing else, John McCain is just like middling Mitt Romney, but with more heat, more heated rhetoric, and a lot more overheated self-promotion. Do the American people really care what John "Grandpa from Savings and Loan" McCain has to say about this upcoming Presidential election?

Despite his hot constituency in the Southwest, McCain was a tepid choice in 2008, like Bob Dole in 1996, like George W. Bush in 2000 — and just like Romney would be if the Massachusetts plutocratic technocrat won the GOP nomination.

The United States of America deserves a real statesman for President, one who has voted consistently and constitutionally since he first entered politics. Of the top three vote getters in Iowa, this distinction belongs exclusively and enthusiastically to Congressman Ron Paul. He is a fired-up conservative with a fire-up constituency, and he is on fire to raze the federal government, which is burning through money faster than the Federal Reserve can print it.

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