The national GOP conference is still not warm to the lukewarm presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and probably never will be. Many voters simply do not like the man, and in politics, likeability is crucial. True, Romney says all the right things, but then he says other "right" things depending on the audience he is speaking to. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth, whether combing over his past, following his lines in the present, and therefore what do the American people expect him to do once he enters the White House, if he were to beat Barack Obama?

Besides, in every debate Romney is going to have to debate himself — the Romney of Massachusetts — with the present Romney still trying to sell himself as the standard-bearer of the Right. And he still thinks that he can take down Obama, too? How is Romney going to railing against ObamaCare, the signature albatross that is certain to doom the current president if hammered enough, when the incumbent can simply smack the Massachusetts governor with "RomneyCare" — the blueprint for the federal version that was rammed down the throats of the American people in March, 2010?

Romney is not fit to be the GOP Presidential candidate, I do not care how stable his core constituency of 23% has been.

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