I appreciate the Jewish Journal's measured and respectable treatment of Congressman Ron Paul's position on Israel and foreign aid.

Contrary to the hackneyed, empty rhetoric of mainstream media outlets which have castigated the Texas Congress as an irresponsible pacifist with ultra-isolationist tendencies, Paul's reasonable and constitutional policies would enhance the freedom and stability of Israel as well as the United States.

Like many of the Paul supporters interviewed by Shmuel Rosner, I do recognize the bellicose threat of a nuclear Iran, but Congressman Paul has countered this fear with the facts on the ground: Israel, with its three hundred plus nuclear arsenal, can more than protect itself in the face of immanent danger from the Iranian regime. As one of Paul's supporters noted, the Congressman openly supported Israel's stealth bombing of Iraq's Osirak nuclear facility in 1981, while the rest of the world openly cowered and condemned the action — but privately breathed a sigh of relief.

On another note, even if Congressman Ron Paul does not win the GOP nomination for President, I believe that any Republican candidate would be a better and stronger ally of the Jewish State than the current Vanity-in-Chief, who has time and again "thrown Israel under the bus", demanding land swaps and peace at any cost. Like Congressman Paul, I believe that the state of Israel does not need the Chief Executive of the United States leaning over the Knesset's shoulder, badgering the Prime Minister on which treaties to sign, which concessions to make, or which nations to ally with or repudiate.

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