Rick Santorum reminds many of the "Leave it to Beaver" 1950's social conformity and conservatism.

Except when it comes to taking on the military-industrial complex decried by President Eisenhower before leaving office in 1961.

Santorum is a Washington Insider without the three wives, two mistresses, or the other failed personal problems in his life.

He has a big family, but he is also a Big Government spender, too, shoveling the pork with both hands.

In an article in Time Magazine, the journalist exposed a harried and hurried Santorum who was bending over backwards trying to be a conservative while at the same placating one constituency after another in his office.

Rick Santorum is a nice guy, especially to seniors who got to cash in on the extension of the Medicare entitlement of 2003, which he proudly voted for and still defends.

This guy supported RINO Arlen Spector's reelection in 2004. Need we say more?

The voters in this country deserve someone who will be mean and tough and unyielding when it comes to cutting taxes, spending, and government. We do not need any more forays into the Middle East or any other part of the world, or into our private lives.

True evangelical conservatives would recognize that the strength of sin is the law, and government run amok has created more laws and regulations, which have made the United States less prosperous and ultimately less moral.

We need fewer laws, more liberty, and greater respect for the rights of the states and the people.

Instead of running for President, former Pennsylvania Governor Rick Santorum belongs in a Limited Government Sanatorium where he would reflect on the true meaning of the oath he took when he represented the Keystone State: to uphold the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

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