Still anyone's race, the GOP Presidential Primaries are gearing up into a long-term slugfest — that is, if everyone believes the media driven hype.

Either way the evangelicals press their support, fiscal conservatism is the driving force behind this election cycle. From the multi-trillion dollar national debt to deficits that grow and grow in the face of enlarged entitlements and diminishing federal revenues, a domestic policy of limited government is ruling the headlines

Voters who vote their Bible ought to recognize that less government is moral government. The compassionate conservatism that dominated the Bush Presidency was a crass oxymoron played out for eight long and deleterious years, which witnessed unrestrained spending and immoral interventions into state and local governments, all of which have not resolved or settled the pressing social issues that weigh on many social conservatives throughout the South.

From former majority leader Dick Armey of Texas to Jim DeMint of Tea Party fame in South Carolina, the strongest rallying cry is for less government, less spending, and less involvement of the public sector in our private lives.

Congressman Ron Paul is the only GOP presidential candidate who has consistently voted against tax and spending increases, as well as demanding a thorough audit and reconfiguration of our nation’s monetary firms.

He is the most qualified candidate to represent the American people.

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