Even when seeking to cut spending and limit government, President Obama cannot pass up a chance to consolidate his own power.

In a recent press release, the President is putting Congress to the test, requesting broad authority to consolidate six departments into one office, cutting the bureaucracy that has discouraged business development in the United States.

In another attempt to align his frayed legacy with Ronald Reagan, and cut into the lofty rhetoric that has spurred GOP voters to demand less government, Obama is seeking the broad authority to coalesce a program of government reduction without harassing and lobbying Congress. If he gets the extended power that he seeks, Obama would assemble the bill to make the requested consolidation for a quick up-or-down vote from Congress.

It is appalling, although hardly shocking, that the Progressive elitism that disdains constitutional government, including the requisite bargaining and vote-trading which inevitable accompanies every bill has come to the forefront again.

If President Obama were serious about cutting spending and limiting government, he would repeal his signature legislation ObamaCare, then resign from office. His executive stay has been an unmitigated disaster in affairs both foreign and domestic.

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