Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney may sweep the GOP nomination after all. He may not sweep the GOP voters, but he is certainly well-positions and adequately funded to sweep President Obama from office in November.

Putting aside his many vacillations, I find that I could vote for this guy if he wins the nomination.

I had not yet repudiated my support for Congressman Ron Paul, but I would prefer to see a Republican in the White House than the current Vanity-in-Chief, who has done nothing but expanding the government, explode the public debt, and erode our civic liberties.

Governor Romney is articulate. He certainly held his own during the two debates before the final primary vote in New Hampshire. He is combative when necessary, especially when scolding the inane questions about contraception and gay marriage.

No matter who wins the nomination, President Obama will have much to explain regarding his gross failures of leadership and implementation, both regarding domestic and foreign policy.

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