New York Times columnist David Brooks noted in a recent column that candidates are under greater scrutiny than in previous elections.

Camera phones, social media, and pervasive electronic access have lent the average consumer of news 24-7 access to every thought, word, and deed of the GOP candidates. Now, pundits and potential voters can mouth the same platitudes to which the current crop of candidates have stuck to.

Senator Conrad Burns of Montana learned the hard way how an ever-present media could be oppressive and destructive. His innocent slights against immigrants and his denunciation of peace and safety officers following a massive wild fire helped fuel the demise of his reelection chances in 2006.

What a sad irony, that chronic access to the mind and mission of a political candidate actually diminished his clout and outspokenness on the issues.

Governor Mitt Romney is one sad example of this trend. His emotional responses are robotic, his exchanges with prospective voters automatic, yet because of his establishment status, he still commands a decent following from 25% of the GOP voters.

Multimedia has created a multiplicity of access, but has not engaged or enlightened a multitude to response and reflect effectively on the candidates.

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