Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker enjoys a modest yet meaningful following from the voters of his state.

51% in a recent poll approve of his work as a chief executive leading the charge to tackle outrageous pensions and health care benefits handed out in the public sector.

The Governor's PR staff have published the stunning and supportable report that the Governor and the Republican caucus accomplished their promised tasks of closing a huge budget deficit without raising taxes or laying off state employees.

The public sector unions decry this surprising and pleasant turn of events only because the necessary budget reforms curbed the collective their bargaining rights. The outraged Progressive elements of Wisconsin ought to check their history of their past sympathizers. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most radically progressive presidents in history, dismissed the right of public unions to bargain collectively. If this argument is insufficient, George Meany, the President of the AFL-CIO (a visible and vocal force for labor unions) condemned public sector collective bargaining because of the harm it would inflict on the tax payer. This dire prediction came to pass in Wisconsin, and Governor Walker took the necessary steps to curb this disturbing trend.

If public unions would unified on behalf of the public, receiving benefits in relation to the well-being of the states and communities that they serve, then the Governor and his team would not have been forced to implement the necessary reforms which have benefit the state of Wisconsin and her citizens. Governor Walker will overcome this vocal yet minority challenge to his office with little trouble and growing support from the voters.

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