Jesus was not anti-Semitic. He was anti-Pharisee, as He was also anti-works righteousness.

He ministered to Jews and gentiles alike.

To conclude that Jesus Christ was merely a holy man, and nothing more is to dispute the record of His resurrection and His claim: "I and the Father are One" (John 10:10)

This phrase set off the religious leaders to stone Him, for He intentionally referenced the Shema of Deuteronomy 6:4.

Of course, there is that other thing He said about the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is a take Him or Leave Him guy — there is no middle ground with the Rabbi-Carpenter of Nazareth.

Rabbi Boteach, for all of his erudition and explication, cannot water down this sobering truth. Either he must accept that God became man and fulfilled the types and shadows set forth in Moses and the Prophets, or he must conclude that a Jewish carpenter somehow has perpetuated the grandest, greatest, and most massive public fraud in human history.

I go with the former. Jesus is my Messiah!

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