On the November ballot, California Jerry Brown has pushed temporary tax hikes to save our schools and fund our impoverished public works projects.

He faces significant opposition, to say the least, but not just from the increasingly marginalized Republicans in Sacramento, but also from liberal interest groups, like the California Federation of Teachers (CFT).

The CFT wants to float its own initiative to raise taxes on the wealthy 1%, a competing program which could sink any proposed tax hikes on this November's ballot. As if Californians are not fed up already with attempts to raise revenue increases, the mandate from petty interest groups to protect their own pensions and payouts at the expense of the taxpayer has become a tired and trite tirade which has done nothing to curb the outrageous spending and backroom deals which brought this crushing debt burden on the state in the first place.

Governor Brown should be commended for taking the initiative to shore up assistance from labor and business leaders to find every diminishing funding sources. However, as long as residents of the State of California insist on having their handouts without lending a hand, then legislators will be bounded by the divide mind of "my welfare or face warfare" mentality that is bankrupting everyone.

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