Despite the warm praise issued by Ronit Tirosh of the new Knesset caucus on American Jew–Israeli relations, I do not agree the every Jew has the best interests of Israel at heart.

A large voting block of the Jewish community has supported Democratic candidates time and again, a party which has demonstrated a stronger allegiance to fairness and overwhelming equality, ignoring the fearful reality that hostile nations do not share the same values, including a nuclear Iran.

Regarding the legal status of Jews in Israel, I respect that residents of the Jewish state want to recognize the identity of the second-largest community of Israelites in the world, but honestly those who live in the United States can offer their opinions on Israeli foreign and domestic policy, but if they want to move and shake in the political order, then they must make aliyah like the rest of the Diaspora. However, I do not believe that anyone, Jew or Gentile, has to live in Israel in order to promote the best interests of Israel.

I wish activists over there would reach out more to non-Jewish Zionists over here, too. The miracle of the Jews living and thriving in their ancient homeland has stirred the hearts of many and has infused the faith of Jew and Christian alike.

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