Two incumbent Democrats are duking it out for the newly-tailored 30th Congressional District in the San Fernando Valley.

Howard Berman has commandeered the greater number of endorsements, most likely in recognition for his 30 years serving the House of Representatives. Who will be tougher on Iran, who will better represent the needs of our one staunch ally in the Middle East, these two issues have dominated the polling and posturing of the two embattled and embittered incumbents.

Then there is Mark Reed, the Republican. He wants military action on Iran, citing that the sanctions against the Iranians have not effectively neutralized the threat of a nuclear Iran. I am dismayed that the residents of the 30th District have ignored other pressing issues, like the growth of government at the expense of individual liberty, the menacing national debt, which would place China in a more threatening role against our domestic tranquility than a strike from Ahmadinejad and his fanatical Muslim ilk. How about the repeal of ObamaCare, and overbearing and underfunded entitlement which is depriving both the insured, the uninsured, and the insurance companies of flexibility and reliability as premiums go up, access goes down, and the looming pressure of Big Government continues to make both sad scenarios worse.

Why are these two incumbents debate the value and treatment of stray animals? Why are they bickering over who has supported Israel more? Congressman need to represent the needs of their constituents and their country, not do petty favors and haggle with banks over fees. If the jungle primary is a harbinger of a split vote between the Democrats, then perhaps the marginal Republican candidate can surge and wedge his way into a significant toss-up run-off and steer the Valley voters back to restoring the rights of the people and limiting the responsibilities of the state.

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