Desert Trails Elementary School is a wasteland when it comes to education.

LA Weekly has already exposed the efforts of dedicated parents to take bakl control from the school district, which has consistently failed to educate the local youth in the community.

It is a welcome trend to read that international reports like the Wall Street Journal are not attacking the thug-ogracy of teachers' unions and school boards, who have no interest in upending the status quo of poor schools, poor skills, and poor scholastic opportunities for students.

Parents have faced a great deal of retaliation already for taking on entrenched public monopolies. No matter how difficult the challenges may be for parents to expect more out of their schools for their children and their communities, let us hope that enforcement of the Parent-Trigger Law in California, and on display in the Mojave Desert, will give rise to an oasis of change, one where students can be refreshed with safe schools and adequate schooling the supports the needs of parents, students, and teachers.

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