Thank you, Ms. Jasmyne Cannick for calling out the unsavory elements of our culture, not just the loud and obnoxious radio commentators who shout expletives and demean private citizens, but also the ghetto culture which thrives on frequent use of the "N-word" for gimmicks and shock (read "schlock" value)

The double standard of racial prejudice and offense must stop. No matter who leads the charge, it is unseemly and unacceptable for youth, no matter what their color, to cry "racism" at teachers and police seeking to uphold education and the rule of law, yet at the same time permit themselves to fire off racial epithets at one another.

I have witnesses mentors reaching out to urban youth, attempting to steer young people from using harsh stereotypes in their speech, yet in many cases with little success. It is shameful to witness the media bias now infiltrate into the daily lives of working class minority youth, now meditating on the wrongs of others, yet refusing to hold their own mouths in check.

I agree with Ms. Cannick that African-American youth ought to boycott the hateful lyricists who talk about "Gold Diggers" with such virulent aplomb, and then assume the audacity to reprimand the President of the United States because "he does not care about black people."

If the majority of vocal minorities in the media and celebrity circles really cared about one another and "their race", they would stop denigrating each other with their own hate speech, then play to the double standard in order to cut up those who merely want respect and understanding for all.

Once again, Ms. Cannick, thank you for attacking the double standard of derogatory speech that harms all of us, whether it proceeds out of majority or minority mouths.

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