Religious liberty is more important than political freedom.

That I may believe who I am in Christ, that makes all the difference in a world beset with mixed messages and hard times and difficult people.

It is unfortunate that the pontiff of a significant religious community in the world does not emphasize the inconsistent nature of Catholic adherents on an island given over to a godless philosophy.

Pope Benedict must preach to the people throughout the world the primacy of Jesus Christ, not the political machines which bind people to an empty tyranny of bowing down to heads of state who have not mind or spirit for the work which they presume upon themselves.

Communism disputes the Creator, replacing His Supremacy with the State. How then can anyone claim to love God when they also seek the admiration of dictators who respect no one, and certainly do not regard the right of people to live freely?

Instead of bolstering a community of religious adherents, individuals who command respect in spiritual matters must reemphasize the primacy of Christ and His Finished Work in our lives.

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