I really liked Bill Peatman's piece from March 22 — it resounds with God's grace springing in our hearts, leading us to walk in the Spirit of God.

It reminded me of a book called "Classic Christianity" by an evangelist and teacher named Bob George. Though he is not a household name, his book encapsulates the growing revelation that I have received about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Some of his insights I have shared with you before.

Rather than trying to be obedient, the Holy Spirit indeed has placed the new commandments of law and faith in the heart and mind of every believer.

As we walk in the Spirit, we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5: 16). We can love in fullness by the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22), for love is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:13)

We are called to live by faith:

"For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

"For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love." (Galatians 5: 5-6)
That's God's love, of course!
Bob George's greatest insight to me so far, though, was the clarity he imparted to me regarding "walking in the spirit".

I did not understand what that meant for the longest time. I used to think that I had to maintain a certain set of thoughts, or that I had to pray in the spirit at length. George taught me, based on a reading in Ephesians, that we walk in the spirit to the extent that we receive a growing awareness of God's unconditional love for us. When we know that all of our sins are paid for, past present future, we do not fear anymore if we may fail or fall. In fact, we find that we fulfill the law, we are galvanized with greater joy to love and serve beyond the delineated limitations of the law.

Here is the fullness of the Gospel: Jesus Christ, full of grace and truth, has impacted me in so many ways. I pray with greater confidence, I no longer live in shame about my past, or fear doing something wrong in the present or the future. I can be myself, because as He is, so am I — and so are you! — in this world (1 John 4: 19)

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