Mark Steyn’s extended metaphor of “ObamaCare” as “cruel and unusual punishment” works on many levels:
1. Its 2,700 pages were shoved down the throats of unwitting and unwilling legislators who refused to read the bill before casting their “yea” votes.

2. The deliberations that shoved this bill through Congress were laden with so much pork and legalized bribery, that the manufacture of sausage links elegant and appealing.

3. The same voters, who elected these irresponsible politicians, did read the bill, demanded its failure and now its repeal – yet legislators in townhall meetings across the country dismissed their right and reasonable concerns.

4. The legislative feat that crafted and drafted this fiat of legislative perversion has put lawyers, judges, states, and citizens into a dither of interpretation and near immolation over inscrutable statutes and unfunded mandates.

5. This monstrosity of a law has put the fate of federalism, states’ rights, and individual liberties into the hands of one Supreme Court Justice.

6. The entire mandate is unconstitutional, vitiating the essential tenet of limited government federalism, and federal checks and balances, the central elements of the Constitution as first envisioned by its Founding Father James Madison.

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