Governor Christie is resisting the statist status quo of the New Jersey teacher’s unions. For too long, their collective action has become collective opposition to reforms in education and fiscal discipline. The New Jersey Governor, along with principled executives across the country, including progressive President Barack Obama, have acknowledged that to save education, to assist the preservation of free thinking citizens, to insist on the proper investment of the citizen’s taxpayer dollars, he must persist in reforming public education.

Championing the expansion of charter schools and scrapping unconditional teacher tenure, Governor Christie has inevitably raised the ire of the prevalent liberal elements in the Garden State. According to the Star Ledger, the American Legislative Exchange Council has been feeding legislative language to Christie and his reform-minded colleagues. Will the liberal media stop at nothing to frustrate the will of the people and the needs of the state?

It’s about time that the mainstream media got into the flow of reform and individual liberty, which is expanding like a river from Trenton and throughout the country. Students and parents merit the best in public education, and it makes no difference who wrote the language of the legislation, as long as the leaders pass laws that break up the public school monopoly while expanding accountability, flexibility, and greater local control as the necessary and proper means for improving student achievement.

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