Fighting against the cold and calculating moderation which has dampened his campaign against rival conservatives, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has come out swinging against the incumbent President.
Finally, Romney is not going to play defense. If anyone has anything to be defensive about, it is President Obama, whose mantra of hope and change has turned into a dirge of "mop"e and "assuage", attempting to cast a tepid economic recovery as a galvanizing resurgence of wealth. No matter how strong the rallies on Wall Street have been for the past three weeks, six million still remain out of work, with strangling regulations discouraging investment and growth throughout the country.
ObamaCare has been more bane than boon to the private sector and the health insurance industry, which have cut off recipients, declined potential enrollees, and raised prices on stock and services. We need less government, not more intervention. We need Calvin Coolidge and Grover Cleveland, not Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson in the White House.
The polished demeanor and grim respect for markets and scarcity have been for too long lacking in the executive mansion. Stronger Republican majorities with a more business-minded chief executive will ensure that a United States of America will remain and prosper in spite of flagging trade, drastic corrections in industry and finance, and a growing — and healthy — distrust of government.
Romney has changed his position on a number of issues. Would that the current President did the same thing, admitting that he has not been the "change" that this country was looking for, that his legislation and political persuasion has inundated a country looking for adequacy and normalcy, not vanity and promiscuity with the public purse.