My Father tried to help a few years ago, when I was in a tight spot.
He wanted to but me things, he wanted to give me money, he wanted me to accept his handouts.
He told me to swallow my pride.
But it is not a matter of pride that leads a person to disdain charity.
It is a knowledge that a handout here and there cannot break a person free from the cycle of poverty that plagues people.
It is the skid-row mindset that sends people to the street, more than little money and no options.
As long as a person believes that he is not going anywhere, as long as he believes that there is no point to trying, as long as he as he is convinced that he cannot do anything worthwhile, he will be caught in a net of no worth and have no net worth.
I labored under such intense condemnation in my life — such that I lived in fear and dread of every day. I had no reason to live, although I did not want to starve to death. There were days when I did not want to get out of bed. Sometimes, I would lie in bed for half the day, so unwilling was I to wake up in the morning – so unwilling was I to step out into a hostile world.
I labored under this condemnation. I took me a long time to learn that "No condemnation in Christ" means exactly that: none — and that the sense of guilt that I faced every day was not me — but Satan. That guilt has no place in a believer, and that by grace through faith I can live in High Victory!
All of my sins are forgiven at the Cross — all of my prosperity comes through the Cross.