The Cult of childhood must come to an end.

From tasting games with cookies and cockroaches in Los Angeles, to teachers dating their students, the line of proper boundaries between mature and immature, between teacher-parent and child is fraying, and in a very disturbing fashion.

The public school system perpetrates abuse on many levels: not preventing physical and sexual abuse, failing to report the perverse acts. Yet even worse, as evidenced by the poor conduct of today’s instructors, many youth are not growing up when they leave school in the first place.

If a grown man is looking for affection from his students, if parents insist on trying to be their best friends, when administrators take the student’s side in academic disputes, what we witness is the rise of an entitled group of individuals who cannot make it in a difficult world, who manipulate others for their own benefit, or scream in the public square demanding their “fair share.”

This cult of unending childhood is hurting all of us, and it is imperiling the youngest among us.

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