Kudos to Mr. Jeff Parker for dramatizing the rising cost and
costs to acquiring a college  education.
Students are reaching for a more elusive handout, which will only cause
student, scholastic, and state to tumble and fall.

However, I do not believe that the cartoonist properly labeled
the outstretched arm dangling a degree. Instead of indicting budget cuts and
rising tuition, which are an effect,  this country needs to place the responsibility
for rising costs and diminished returns on the state subsidies to universities
and student loans which are depressing wealth while wearing down the worth of a
college degree.

The cost of a post-high school graduate degree exceeds
inflation by at least five points. Stop the loans, stop the subsidies, throw in
a mandatory course in Austrian economics plus the proper investment for job
training, and today’s youth will face a brighter future without hurting under
horrendous debt.
Would love your thoughts, please comment.x