New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a large personality in
a dwindling community of executives who say “No” to federal projects.

The projected Hudson rail tunnel that Christie killed would
have cost the New Jersey taxpayers money that they did not have.  Taxpayers across the country do not need more
subsidy-minded tax-and-spend politicians putting other people’s money where
their mouth is. The New York Times, the White House, and the liberal cabal bankrupting
this country should spend more time lauding executives who insist in spending
less of other people’s money. Priding himself and his staff on putting money
back in the hands of those who earn it, Christie has rightly asserted that he
will not undermine his core principles.

The Government Accountability Budget Office ought to spend
more time hyping the rising costs of ObamaCare. “Night of the Living Dead” U.S.
Senator Frank Lautenberg ought to go back to the Big Government crypt that he
crawled out of. Resurrecting his dismal record of public service in order to
replace the ethically-challenged Robert Toricelli in 2002, Lautenberg has
turned his seat in the Senate into a unjustifiable bully pulpit against a
governor who better represents the needs off his statewide constituents more
than his executive predecessor and current federal counterparts.

 New Jerseyans, and
this country, need elitist legislators at the federal level to get out of our
backyards and our state affairs and pay attention to cutting the unnecessary
pork and entitlement programs eating away at our nation’s budget.
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