The most offensive line that
I read a recent article about the California Community College Crisis read as follows:
students across the nation who believe they should have a free education.”
grow on trees. Where do today's students get the notion that they are entitled to
something for free?
that education is a right, and as such every human being is entitled to it. If
a group or an individual perceive that the have been slighted, denied this
precious right, then they are permitted to sue in court and harass the
government until they get what they want.
City College a few weeks ago, where a group of students attempted to barge into a Trustee’s
meeting, is a symptom of this nasty entitlement mentality. The crowd became so violent outside the trustee meeting that was discussing the two-tier plan, that policemen on site feared for their
safety andattacked the raging student crowds with pepper spray.
upswing in this arrogant, unjustified rebellion has swept across college campuses all over the state, threatening the delicate
balance of safety for all. Cash-strapped and cutting budgets, community colleges have fewer options for offering more courses, beyond creating a hierarchy of tuition. Those who are willing and able to pay should not be prevented from doing so. There is no such thing as a free lunch, even in public, post-secondary education. It is time for the young adults of today to stop acting like children and grow up.
No one has a right to
infringe on the rights of others as an act of protect. No one has any
right or authority to cause pain and suffering to an entire campus, or threaten authority figures, on account of budgetary woes.
The students at our local community colleges are learning some hard economic
lessons, which they would have learned if their high school teachers and
college instructors had explained to them properly the inescapable truths of
scarcity, supply, demand, and how the state, in all of its august and arrogant
power, cannot overcome these cold, hard economic facts.