Former Massachusetts Governor and GOP Presidential Candidate is trumpeting his tenure as Governor in the Bay State, one of the most liberal, and now depleted, states in the Union.

He faced off against one of the most hostile of legislatures, one dominated nearly ten-to-one by the Democratic party. He ushered in a balanced budget all four years that he was in office, a feat which has yet to be duplicated in like-liberal California, where governors from both parties have nothing but excuses and excruciating failure to offer to the voters still waiting for some semblance of fiscal solvency.

I am pleased to read that Romney did not budge on cutting taxes and spending. I approve also that he refused a conciliatory status with the Democratic-dominated legislature. The state governments across the country are required to balance their budgets. There is no shame in Romney's cutting funds to suicide prevention, state and local police and fire, or any other public program if the state simply cannot afford it.

This country needs leadership which is  not afraid to say no, which is no afraid to upset special interests looking for a handout from well-placed politicians.

Romney has not demonstrated the most complete tenacity to socially conservative principles, but he has a record for cutting spending. Anyone but Obama is a turn for the better in a country where spending, blood-letting, and red ink run rampant are costing us more than we can ever calculate.

Romney is a fiscal hawk compared the cat-and-mouse budgeting which Californians have endure for nearly a decade and which this country has had to tolerate under an administration that spends more time campaigning than governing.

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