Two major cities in California has just passed major pension reform with more than a supermajority of voting citizens supporting a desperately needed curb on public sector pensions and benefits.

I think that the residents of Mammoth Lakes may want to consider floating its won initiative to curb the power of public sector employees in the Shasta regions of the state of California.
The voters of the Eastern Sierra are tried and true limited government conservatives, espousing views in line with the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.
I am certain that James Madison would be appalled at the length and growth of private dependence on the public sector. The government must serve all, and can best do so by serving people as little as possible.
I believe that the rise of the citizenry is stirring up voters to step up and stand up to the government and the powerful public sector union lobbies which are robbing the state and municipal governments without any desire to negotiate.
To the residents of Mammoth Lakes and the Eastern Sierra: you have the power! Rise up and demand that your public servants contribute a comparable amount to the present and future well-being of the region. Expand the Walker-Wisconsin revolution through the Golden State, just like the voters in San Diego and San Jose.
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