"""Democrats have a more optimistic vision. We believe that the economy works best when the government establishes the rules of the road, adopting sensible standards that protect the middle class, promote competition, and prevent corporate abuses. We believe that public investments in our country’s future pay off. We believe that educating tomorrow’s workers and supporting entrepreneurs and new industries will grow our economy faster and better. And we think history has repeatedly proven our vision is the right one for America."  Speech before the Budget Committee, June 1, 2012

Democrats have a more optimistic vision.

What does the country have to show for itself after three and a half years of "hope and change" under President Obama?

1. A failed stimulus which has exploded the national debt.

2. Trillion dollar deficits which have downgraded this country's credit rating with two major agencies.

3. Rising unemployment which has not taken into account the millions more who have given up looking for work.


""We believe that the economy works best when the government establishes the rules of the road, adopting sensible standards that protect the middle class, promote competition, and prevent corporate abuses.

What rules of the road has this President established? Bridges and roads are crumbling all over the country. No one should forget the massive breakdown of the Minnesota Highway.

What would Mr. Waxman call the massive corporate bailout of GM? The taxpayers ended up being on the hook for another failed business which has slowly rolled back into recovery, but at what cost? The unseen consequences of money massively spent has diminished the wider spreading investment of the private sector, which could have helped jumpstart a nation still struggling through a moribund recovery.

We believe that public investments in our country’s future pay off.

Three words: — Stim – U – Less, er Stim-u-loss, Steam – in – lust, oh, you get the idea. . ..

The 2009 Stimulus of Shovel -ready projects was never ready to shovel, except for sand against a tsunami of red ink which is sinking this country to Greece levels of public debt.

President Obama wants to play fast and loose with student loan interest rates. If President Obama thinks that pandering to students, who are burdened with burgeoning debt with no really employment prospects commensurate, will help them or this country, he is beyond delusional. Will future graduates be able to put their fluffy education that they have received at the college level to any use beyond decorating the wall of their bedrooms back at their parents' homes? Who knows, but Mr. Waxman cannot argue that this public investment will help the next generation to face the future with fantastic hopes.

And we think history has repeatedly proven our vision is the right one for America." 

President Obama is following the heavy, leaded footsteps of FDR and LBJ — and this country is heading for DOA ASAP unless someone puts a stop to this pedantic and punitive progressivism. What legacy did FDR leave, besides the Alphabet Soup of extra industries, which have done nothing but explode the government at the expense of the individual and the several states and free enterprise.

Unless Mr. Waxman has been reading from the progressivist-revisionist tripe foisted upon high school students in our substandard public schools or hapless undergrads in our overprice colleges, there is no verifiable or justifiable evidence that massive state intervention in the economy has produced any significant, meaningful long-term growth.

John F. Kennedy cut corporate tax rates across the board, a an economic recovery blossomed. Ronald Reagan cut, cut, cut taxes, and the economy grew, grew, grew. Mr. Waxman needs to go back to history class.

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