The following advice was the best that one teacher could offer me:

"Don't let them see you sweat!"

Unfortunately, the better treatment will always be: "Why am I sweating in the first place?"

The tension of unpredictability and unmanageability both promote the stress and strain which reigns over a growing number of teachers in the profession.

As a long-term substitute, I told to show up for an even more difficult task, taking on a class in which the students did not think that they had to listen to me, and on top of that the growing culture of disrespect which rendered sending students out as a moot point. A man cannot send out ten students, simple as that!

It was a tough time in life, one in which I was "sweating" all the time, thinking that I had to measure up to a God who may or may not be on my side. I have since learned Christ much better than that, and I have also learned that there are far better ways to make a buck and make a mark in this world.

"Don't let them see you sweat!" The injunction in itself induced a great deal of sweat in me, because right then and there I had the challenge of trying to manage my emotions along with the class, including the rowdy elements who will do just about anything to rile up a class.

Sweating was not optional, it seemed. No job should induce stress of any kind in a person, to the degree that he feels responsible for people, places, projectiles out of his control.

I do not have to sweat in this life, and neither should anyone else.

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