Linda McMahon

I have been following the 2012 Senate contests which have taken
the national spotlight over the past few months.  The Connecticut contest caught my attention in
part because the GOP primary would pit well-known and long-lasting stalwart
Christopher Shays vs. Linda McMahon.

I watched with avid interest as former World Wrestling
Entertainment CEO Linda McMahon ran against Attorney General Richard Blumenthal
for the Senate seat vacated by Chris Dodd in 2010. She reached out to the
voters, she demonstrated a qualified command of the issues that affect the
voters of Connecticut.  Ultimately, she
lost the election, but she established that a fiscally conservative candidate
could make her case to the voters in her state.

Now she is running again in the general election, and this
time she will be facing off against Congressman Chris Murphy of the 5th
Congressional District. Chris Murphy has more baggage to contend with, and Ms.
McMahon has the experience in the private sector, plus her skills as a
communicator, to provide a comprehensive business plan to help create jobs,
stop the spending, and get this country back on track toward a booming economic

Unlike her predecessors, Ms. McMahon runs an unconventional campaign,
reaching out to voters in their homes directly instead of appealing for support
through indirect media outlets.

McMahon’s jobs plan is comprehensive, unlike anything that I
have read here in California, where job-killing regulations (including Cap and
Trade along with some of the highest taxes in the union) are pushing businesses
out of the Golden State. McMahon’s Six Point Plan is not only impressive in
itself, but the details within the plan outline that her business savvy coupled
with her skills at summarizing key issues to voters place her in a
well-deserved advantage ahead of her Washington-insider challenger, Chris

Ms. McMahon’s Six Point Plan includes the following:

1. Middle-class tax cuts that would diminish rates from 25%
to 15%, removing capital gains, death and gift taxes, while expanding
deductions for education expenses and removing penalties for making withdrawals
from IRAs.

2. Cut the business tax rate down from 25% to 15% — stop
the taxes on our small businesses. They create the jobs that stay in the United

3. End Job-killing regulations like ObamaCare (which is
highly unpopular —
) and Dodd-Frank. The REINS act would require transparency and efficiency in
the passage and implementation of regulations which normal stall growth and
diminish innovation.

4. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment, and cut real spending
by 1% every year.

5. End the overlap in employment training, invest in
public-private partnerships, and employ our veterans.

6. Build the XL Keystone Pipeline and release permits to
drill oil and natural gas. Invest in nuclear energy.

Chris Murphy: Busted

Whereas McMahon wants to get rid of the outrageous tax  burdens on Connecticut voters, Chris Murphy
is one of the most anti-tax relief legislators in Congress (See
Murphy's Tax Record).
The Alliance for Worker Freedom has
given Mr. Murphy a 0% rating (
Murphy on Worker

Most disturbing of all, Mr. Murphy voted in line with his
more liberal caucus. He voted for the economy-dragging stimulus bill, job-killing
Cap and Trade, access-limiting ObamaCare, and even school vouchers for students
enrolled in failing D.C. schools (
Dismal Voting Record
) Time and again, Murphy has voter with her party and
against the best interests of the state of Connecticut and the United States.
Up to this moment, Mr. Murphy still has not provided a comprehensive jobs plan
akin to Ms. McMahon’s. Like President Obama, Congressman Murphy cannot run on
his record of supporting high taxes and job-killing, revenue wasting

Noteworthy endorsements for Ms. McMahon include former
Connecticut Secretary of State Pauline R. Kezer, former Connecticut member and assistant
GOP leader of the Connecticut House of Representatives from 1979 to 1986.
21-year Congressman Chris Shays has also endorsed his former primary opponent, despite
having lost to her by 3-to-1.

 Congressman Chris
Murphy has voted in lock-step with the Obama juggernaut of tax-and-spend,
rule-and-fine, waste-and-want. It was not just her extensive ad campaign which ingratiated
the Connecticut voters to Ms. McMahon but her experience as an entrepreneur, as
opposed to a career politician, who helped streamline and mainstream a
multi-million dollar organization, her life challenges of rising from poverty
and overcoming bankruptcy all signal that this woman knows the needs and
concerns of her constituents.

Connecticut deserves better than unaccountable incumbents,
and so does the rest of the country. Please vote for Linda McMahon for the US
Senate November 6th!
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