Despite his uninformed abortion remarks, Congressman Todd
Akin has commendably remained in Missouri’s US Senate race. This country needs politicians
like Akin: people who admit that they made a mistake, but refuse to quit
because of media or political pressure.

The Media has blown this controversy way out of proportion, erroneously
comparing Akin's gaffe to New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, Congressman Anthony
Weiner and President Bill Clinton's sexploits. Akin's comments, although misinformed,
do not measure up to the private perversions of those Democrats.

The GOP Establishment has foolishly broken off with Congressman
Akin. He does not need Establishment money to win. Consider Richard Mourdock of
Indiana and Ted Cruz of Texas. Both defeated Establishment candidates to win
their party’s nomination in an upset.

Whether Akin prevails or not, the Media and the
Establishment party machinery gaffed far worse than Akin, rushing to
fear-induced judgment based on media hype and hysteria.
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