I differ with the opinions of some regarding the extremes, or even
the extremities, of the Republican Party today versus the GOP of Lincoln's or
Reagan's day.

 Lincoln was a "Big Government" liberal, a man who
championed House Speaker Henry Clay's American System of federally funded
internal improvements. He also instituted the first income tax, originally for
the top 1% of earners, not hitting half the people in this country.

 Ronald Reagan talked a good talk about "limited government",
but his rhetoric did not always match up with reality. He cut taxes, but he
failed to curb spending, and so deficits and entitlement outlays exploded.

This country needs debt, deficit, and budget reform now. Hardly
extreme, The Tea Party in the GOP caucus is forcing the Establishment to live
up to the principles which the GOP so glibly posed yet so casually abandoned
for so long.
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