Veterans are honored every week at the Santa Monica Pier.

The Crosses at the beach are a make-shift reminder of the sacrifice that our country's armed men and women are making for us.

The United States has stationed forces in Iraq since 2003, Afghanistan since 2001. The wars must end, our troops deserve to come home.

I applaud the residents of Santa Monica who want to set up a permanent memorial for all the sons and daughters of Santa Monica who have given their lives for their country.

The row of monuments at Pacific Palisades Park is commendable, but the five columns recognize the  branches of the Armed Forces. Indeed, respect is due to every person individually for their efforts on behalf of the United States of America.

Torrance, CA has already set up a Veterans Memorial near city hall. Recently, the city also set up banners along the main boulevard along the memorial and city hall. on each of which a specific resident/veteran of the "Balanced City" is honored. For the first time in years, the city of Torrance was spotlighted on the evening news for good reason.

Santa Monica should provide the same courtesy to her veterans, too.

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